CCTV4 recently broadcasted a documentary on tracing the source of high-quality and beautiful Hotan white jade, which appears like mutton fat in Xinjiang. I am glad to share some views of the mountain cave scenes the travelogue documentary producer captured. The photos show a cave at Kunlun Mountain where a team of local Uyghur workers from Xinjiang stay for days to get raw Jade stones from the jade mine.
The Kunlun Mountains start at the eastern Pamir plateau, traverse Xinjiang and Tibet, and extend to Qinghai Province of China. Hotan jade’s major deposits, renowned for being white and flawless, are hidden deep in the lofty Kunlun Mountains.
Please enjoy a pair of large jade horses I acquired from Urumqi during a trip organised by the National Theatre Trust. The same trip also included visits to Taishan Mountain and Qufu in Shandong Province, the birthplace of the well-respected ancient Chinese sage and scholar Confucius. It was surprising to find shops selling stones with fossilised insects, shells and leaves still embedded. I acquired a translucent green jade carving of a lion in classical form and an amethyst carving of the legendary auspicious animal, Qilin.