This song sung by Elsa in Frozen is loved by many little girls, even now. It means to let go of what you have been holding on to your whole life, just let it out. I prefer the context of letting unpleasant things go, let go of your ego and not take umbrage at perceived slights.
Hugging Monitor Lizards
Watching two monitor lizards apparently embracing in the botanical gardens this morning inspired this post. When monitor lizards hug, they are not mating or being loving. They are actually two males wrestling one another. The one that pushes the other to the ground is the winner. In the animal world, they are not hypocritical. They do not realize that humans may be perceiving them as sharing a loving moment, instead of a combative struggle.
Humans on the other hand, can be hypocrites. They can also be openly hostile.
Biblical Teachings
1 Thessalonians 5:11 teaches us to encourage one another and build one another up. Many verses in the Bible tell us to love each other.
Conflict and Disagreement
Unfortunately in human relationships, there are multiple occasions for conflict. It is so easy to take offense at some unthinking comment, not to mention deliberately unkind remarks. Relationships can so easily go downhill and stay in the valley forever.
It is easy to preach to others to maintain positive relationships, but how many of us can truthfully say that we don’t have people we avoid or ignore, or not on good terms with, etc. I refer to friends and casual contacts as well, not just family members.
Do’s and Don’ts
I am not able to give you a checklist of do’s and don’ts, just some broad principles. On your part, be kind and considerate to others. Watch your tongue. Don’t take offense when the other party is insensitive or unkind. Drop the ego to avoid breaking relationships. Forgive and forget. Don’t be combative.
With our education and civilization, we are beyond fisticuffs and open combat. Let the hateful comment pass. Life is much more pleasant when we are in congenial company most of the time.