We only live once. There is no replay, no rewind of life. Life is not a rehearsal. This means we should try to get things right as much as possible. For this post, I am referring to our dietary preferences.
We are not meant to be carnivores
The intestines of a carnivore are short. Tigers and lions, despite their size, have an intestine length of 3-7 feet. The carnivore bites big chunks of meat and swallows them whole, relying on extremely acidic stomach juices to break down flesh and kill the dangerous bacteria. The carnivore has a shorter small intestine, as it does not eat plant material which contains cellulose which needs more digestion. The large intestine is primarily for absorption of water and electrolytes, and for stools to form.
Humans and herbivores grind fruits and vegetables with their back teeth, and our stomach acids are much weaker as strong acids are not needed to digest pre chewed plant food. The longer small intestine in the human and herbivore is needed to further digest cellulose which takes a longer time, and to absorb nutrients. Hence, the human intestine is much longer, 15 feet or more in length.
Plant diet
In the past, only the wealthiest could afford to feed, raise and slaughter animals for meat, whilst the ordinary folk ate mostly plant food. So at that time, only the rich suffered heart diseases and obesity. Because of cost-cutting practices to produce cheap meat, which is extremely cruel with absolutely no regard for the farmed animals’ comfort and well being, just about anyone can eat meat, and join in the suffering of diabetes, obesity, heart disease, strokes, and some cancers. Humans became omnivores, eating both plant and meat.
Health Benefits of not eating meat
Vegetarians have lower LDL cholesterol, less high blood pressure, less diabetes, less obesity, and lower rates for colon cancer. Processed meat also causes pancreatic, prostate and stomach cancers.
Flexitarians and Pescatarians
We have grown used to the taste of meat. It is extremely difficult to get everyone to give up meat. An alternative is to be a pescatarian who eats vegetables, fish and other seafood. Another possibly more acceptable alternative is to become a flexitarian, who eats mostly plant food with small servings of meat.
I have been a pescatarian for about 13-14 years. Friends used to ask me: Do you feel weak? Do you feel cold? Are you anaemic? My answer is No, no, and no.
My main reason for giving up meat is because farmed animals can been cruelly treated to maximize profit ie I gave up meat for animal welfare reasons. The resultant good health is a wonderful side benefit. See my earlier article Why Eschew Meat? Ramblings of a Pescatarian.
Another side benefit of not eating meat or eating less meat is less global warming. A study has found that meat production accounts for nearly 40% of all greenhouse gases.
Second Chance for Better Health
At this point in you life, if you have been an omnivore all your life, and especially if meat forms a large part of your diet, you can’t go back and erase your meat-eating past. Some damage to your body has been done. But you can still reduce this damage. You can get a second chance to salvage and improve your health by reducing or cutting out meat from your diet.