As I move progressively into my twilight years, the painting by Professor TK Foo resonates with me even more – 时不我待 – time does not wait for me. Like the Singapore General Hospital clock tower (the focus of the painting), we focus on the hands of a clock – all the time. How many times do we look at our watch, clock, or handphone to note the time each day, month, or year?
We save money to use on later occasions. We did it as schoolboys (schoolgirls) and when we started our careers. Time? Likewise, we cannot save time like money to use on other occasions. It can be poorly used, well-used, or not used. Time is a precious gift that does not keep. And like sand in an hourglass, keeps leaking away, day and night, every day and every year.
I will not wait any longer. April 1 may be a fool’s day. But that day in 2022 was a memorable “the gates are opened” day. Restrictions came down, and we could travel more freely. Along with many others, I flew to Malaysia a week after the big opening up (and paid a lot more than usual.) It felt delightfully strange to leave Singapore for the first time after more than two years.
A great quote is excellent because it makes us think. Heraclitus (born 554 BC) once said, “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river, and he’s not the same man.” This saying tells us why time waits for no man, and we should, if we can, savour or make use of each moment that comes our way.
I used to take long hikes in the hills and mountains. They were highlights of my travels. Nature is still there, but human intrusions dot those places. And I can longer take long hikes. They are too demanding on my age-ravaged physique. I am no longer the same man.
Yet, in my old age, I have discovered what only old age can provide – a calmer, reflective disposition to enjoy people – old friends, family, and additions to the family – son-in-law, in-laws, and grandchildren. They will not be the same, and I will not be the same as the river of time flows to end up in the sea – and the river of time in my life is no more. I must enjoy them now.
Time and tide wait for no man (woman).