Don’t give way to unhappines
It is easy to give way to unhappiness. Basically its how we look at the situation. Is the cup half full or half empty?
It is easy to see things as a cup being half empty. It will be a positive challenge to view it as half full — Cheer up. It could be worse.
Of course, we are not going to accept things as being half full all the time. We can do better.
We can do something, however challenging it may be.
Repair the engine while the plane is flying
The secret to happiness is the dare to make changes to our lives as things are spiralling. This will certainly require more presence of mind and the attention to the here and now. Nevertheless, Hope will give us the adrenaline we need to cross the obstacles in our lives. And thankfully, the obstacles are often actually smaller than we thought. So be brave — think of repairing the engine while the plane is flying.
Enlist on the triad of believe, faith, and hope
Believing in the forces that can make things happen positively is first step. Next is the Faith that things will become better. Hope is everlasting golden pipes of energy that we fill ourselves with. We read of people who survive extreme suffering to be alive because of the hope for a better tomrrow is strong in their hearts. Viewed in this context, there are many, many situations that are far from being hopeless. We can be Happy.
And May Each Day Be A Good Day.
And may Andy William’s rendition be always comforting to you. Here it goes:
Take home message
The journey to happiness is as difficult or as easy as you wish it to be. With Belief, Faith, and Hope, Happiness is here to stay.
Have a nice day.