Heritage Trees Revisited (4) Senegal Mahogany
Heritage Tree Number 4 in ‘Know 10 Trees’ of Singapore is the Senegal Mahogany Tree. Its natural habitat is in the riverine forests and savannah woodlands. The feature picture shows this Heritage Tree at the Singapore Botanic Gardens, Lawn B. Its unique ID HT 2013-212. It was planted by the former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on 2 Nov 1980. Keep a look out for it the next time you visit the Singapore Botanic Gardens. [1] https://www.nparks.gov.sg/gardens-parks-and-nature/heritage-trees/ht-2013-212The Senegal Mahogany is a very large and tall tree . It is evergreen, which means it has leaves all year round. It is a fast-growing tree and attains a height of about 30m. [2] https://www.nparks.gov.sg/florafaunaweb/flora/2/9/2979The height of 30m would be 100 feet and about nine stories high. [3] https://www.nparks.gov.sg/-/media/nparks-real-content/learning/teaching-and-learning-resources/posters/know-10-trees/4-know-10-trees-senegal-mahogany-final-pdf.pdf?la=en&hash=6949B40B365AB4F6786C64E71C2CA9A0C9C516ABScientific nameKhaya senegalensis (Desr.) A. Juss.Origin Tropical West Africa to Uganda.Characteristics of this tree The crown is large, rounded, bushy, and dark green. The trunk is straight, cylindrical, and has buttresses. The bark is dark grey, and has small think flaks or scales. The colour of the scales can be red, dark pink to bright red. [3]The Senegal Mahogany tree can be found in many parts of our island: along Yeo Chu Kang Road, Loyang Way, Loyang Avenue, Buikit Batok East Avenue 3, and of course in the Singapore Botanic Gardens, Lawn B. [4] https://www.nparks.gov.sg/nparksbuzz/issue-46-vol-3-2020/lifestyle/recreation-and-activities/the-beauty-of-the-mahoganyThe Senegal Mahogany Tree should not be confused with a similar-looking tree namely, the Broad-leafed Mahogany Tree which is another large hardwood tree growing in Singapore. It can be differentiated by its leaves. We will deal with that when we chat about the Broad-leafed Mahogany Tree in the next post on Heritage Tree Revisited Number 5.Leaves, flowers, and fruits These are shown in Figure 1. The leaf arrangement is alternate. The leaves are 50-70cm long. Each leaf is odd- or even-pinnate compound, with 3-7 pairs of leaflets on each leaf. The leaflets are oblong to elliptical, dark green and glossy on the upper side, and light green on the underside. [2]The flowers are very small (less than 1cm wide), are borne in clusters, and are white in colour. Each flower has 5 small petals. The flowers are pollinated by insects. In Singapore, the tree flowers irregularly. [2]Fruits are round woody capsules which split into 3 or 4 valves. Each fruit contains numerous seeds with brown wings at two ends. Seeds are dispersed by wind and may travel up to 100m from the parent tree. [2]
Dr GOH Lee Gan is a retired Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine, National University Health System. He has an interest in learning and teaching how we can age well everyday (AWE).